
Themeday Umbrellas

An orange umbrella seems very appropriate today. Queen Beatrix announced her abdication on Monday evening. Yesterday was her 75th birthday. She leaves the monarchy to Crown-Prince Willem-Alexander on April 30. This picture was taken at the event Tilburg sings, when everyone is dressed in orange, the national color and the color of the Royal House. Prince Willem-Alexander is married to Princess Maxima. Her Argentinian father was a civilian minister for agriculture in the Argentinian junta between 1976 and 1981. Many Dutch want to cover this up, because they want to believe in a fairy tale, said a journalist.
Beste lezers, in ons land is een handjevol stedelijke fotobloggers. Internationaal zijn dat er veel meer. Ze zijn te volgen op deze website (klik hier).  Iedere eerste dag van de maand is er een themadag, álle fotobloggers maken dan een foto rondom hetzelfde thema.

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow. I was once two rows behind Queen Beatrix at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore in the late 1990s and I remember thinking "What an elegant and sensible lady!"

    Recalled that earlier this week when I read about her decision to move on. Thank you for the picture!et

  2. I thought it was only Americans who wanted to idealize their history and their leaders.

  3. Love this shot! It feels dreamy - perhaps like the history?

  4. Interesting night shot, good interpretation of this theme day.
    Have a nice weekend, Peter.
