
AaBe factory

This picture shows the AaBe factory. Or at least a facade of the walls. Tilburg was very well known for the textile industry, but competition with low wage countries made that lots of factories were fourced to close. The pictures on the wall show the flourishing history as well as how the complex will be after renovation. Now this is a paradise for young graffiti artists. Today is theme day for the daily city photobloggers, look here for other entries.
Dit is de muur van de AaBe fabriek, waarop zowel historie als toekomst is afgebeeld. Een klein paradijs voor graffiti spuiters. Vandaag is themadag voor de internationale city fotobloggers. Klik op de link hierboven om facades van andere steden te zien.

9 opmerkingen:

  1. That is sad. But I'm glad to hear that it will soon find a new life.

  2. Yours is a City that I am unfamiliar with...so off I go to have a look at more of your photos and see exactly where you are. Interesting about the artwork here.

  3. great that it will be given a second chance!

  4. Interessant om zowel heden als verleden terug te vinden.

  5. Good news, and cool shot in black and white.

  6. Well done. I agree that that choice of black and white was a good one.

  7. Love the history lesson. Sad about the fate of the factory. A good post for the theme!
