
Themeday What would you miss?

Today is the theme day of the city bloggers. What would you miss if you should leave forever your city? That's the theme. Poeh, quite difficult. Because I would miss a lot. But the most I would miss the footballgames of Willem II. The atmosphere. The grumbling. The euphoria. The visitors in my part of the stadium. Like this whole family. Just look at the picture, three brothers (right on the foto) and a son (left), I dare to make a bet. 

Het is vandaag de themadag van de citybloggers. Wat zou je missen als je voor altijd jouw stad zou moeten verlaten? Dat is het thema. Moeilijke vraag. Want ik zou heel veel missen. Maar het meest zou ik de voetbalwedstrijden van Willem II missen. De sfeer. Het gemopper. De euforie. De bezoekers in mijn vak. Dat zijn hele families. Kijk maar naar dit niet helemaal scherpe snapshot, drie broers en een zoon op een rij, daar durf ik wel een weddenschap op te maken. Die-hard fans die al jarenlang naar Willem II gaan. Vandaag zijn veel Willem II ers trots, ook al moest de club gisteren uiteindelijk het hoofd buigen tegen PSV. Klik hier om te zien wat andere fotobloggers het meest gaan missen.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. A very good choice! Thus far of the interpretations of this theme, I'm enjoying the rich variety of ways people are looking at it!

  2. Like William, I am very much enjoying people's choices! Your choice is unique...at least so far.

  3. Love your choice for the theme day. Well done!

  4. I understand, many would say the same here!

  5. I very much enjoyed your 'man's' point of view Peter.. good, honest choice :)

  6. Sporting events are the great equalizer. We all come together for a common goal: to cheer on our respective teams. Perfect for Superbowl Sunday.

    Happy Theme Day!


  7. Good choice for Theme Day. Football would be something I would miss here too, but our football is quite different from yours I think!

  8. I can understand you would miss them though I'd love to see a world without football frenzy!

  9. Oh very great. From a mans world.

    For the first time I watched the
    Super Bowl wit hubby as we are fans of soccer. Hubby being Dutch. Soccer is the love for them.

    I must say.

    I sat through it all the game. It
    was exciting.

    I loved it to be honest.

    Not understanding all but have Grandson who will fill me in later.

    Cannot understand why they say Football when they throw it and run with it and not allowed to drop it.

    Strange there.
