
Omhoogkijken # 40

2 opmerkingen:

  1. The church is from 1898, not that old, but very sacred. Many people with sorrow, happiness and faith visited their place-to-be. In 1998, exactly 100 years later, this beautiful place closed down. In the next 3 years as a gatekeeper, gifted with the key, I started a workingplace for youngsters, with made the church the first Skatechurch in the world (2002). Then they burned the church down, first they made us leaving the building. two days after the fire I went over, met the guy (from the Citycounsel) who wanted to tear down the rest, and told him I would put him into publicity if he didn't stop.
    Nowadays is a neighbourcenter, and in this way also well preserved, and alive.
    The small houses aside the church in your next photo are originally part of the castle, just an few hundred meters away (does no longer exist).
    These houses, from around 1700, were for the hunter in that time.
    Tilburg, Cleijn Hasselt,
    Hein Verschure
