
Coffee and hop on the train!

Today is themeday in the City Daily Photo Community. You can see a lot of coffeehouses when you click here. 

Deze avondfoto is gemaakt bij Breexz, waar je snel een koffie pakt om vervolgens  de trein te nemen. Ik vind die dynamiek van het licht door de ramen heen wel apart.

6 opmerkingen:

William Kendall zei

It looks quite bright and modern inside.

Jim zei

Good one

PerthDailyPhoto zei

Pretty handy spot Peter, although if the coffee is really good it may be possible to miss your train :)

Halcyon zei

It's nice to have a cafe in the train station.
On another note, I'm amazed at how much Dutch I can read.

Merisi zei

What beautiful spot to wait for your train!
Thank you for participating,

LOLfromPasa zei
